Virus 3D

Eradicate the logic viruses infecting your android baby sister in order to save her life in this fast-paced twin-stick shooter.

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게임 정보


Play as David, an android living in the year 9001, determined to save the life of his android baby sister, Daisy, who has been infected by an unstoppable computer virus plaguing the world.

Hack into Daisy's mind and explore the realm of digital consciousness as a sentient computer program armed with an arsenal of unique weapon and abilities, as you fight through waves of relentless self-replicating enemies.


  • Utilize various weapons and abilities to customize your own play style
  • Traverse the depths of computer consciousness rendered in a unique 3D voxel art style
  • Dynamically switch between top-down and over-the-shoulder perspective


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관련 기사

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