무작위 군단

This is a casual and strategy attributes of auto battler game. Players will take on the role of the leader, expanding the team, learning talents and skills, strengthening equipment, transforming soldiers and other ways to combat power, breaking through random levels, and ultimately to win the game.

트레일러 영상 보기 상점 방문하기

게임 정보

The ethereal continent is tainted by the tainted source of the mad warlock's experiments, and you, as a member of the Undead Legion, follow the Skeleton King on his crusade against the human kingdoms that provide shelter to the evil warlock. Unfortunately: the undead were defeated and the Skeleton King died in battle. You returned to your home territory as the inheritor of the Skeleton King's will and became a new lord, starting from scratch, building an army and fighting the tainted source again.

How to play: Click through the mouse to enter the various facilities in the game, use the resources in the game to obtain the corresponding effect of the facilities, then fight to get more resources to reach the cycle.
Game Features:
  • Build your ideal army from scratch, using resources in the right place will be the key to win.
  • Large character pool with randomly generated Talents and Skills may bring you unexpected surprises.
The most unique combat capture mechanism allows you to capture any unit. Remember to be any!
  • Interesting equipment system, low-level equipment can be strengthened and upgraded with attribute phrases, and can also be upgraded into high-level equipment.
  • Neutral facilities will appear in between every battle, They will help you in their own way.

Introduction to In-game Facilities

  • Prison: Used to take inventory of prisoners captured in battle, you can collect ransom and release them, or you can make them an antidote and join the Legion.
  • Barracks: Used to view the detailed attributes, talents and skills of the characters in the current Legion, and dismissal operations can also be performed to keep the army balanced.
  • Laboratory: Used to learn talents and skills for the characters in the army.

Neutral Facilities

  • Monster Shop: You can directly buy the combatants you want, and after purchasing them, you will be able to fight directly with your army.
  • Blacksmith Shop: Used to strengthen the items you have acquired, and you can also upgrade them.
  • Captive Shop: You can buy the captives you want, and they will appear in the prison after purchase.
  • Synthesis Room: You can transform all the characters in the Legion.
  • Equipment Store: You can directly purchase the equipment you need, and it will be equipped directly in the equipment bar after purchase.


가격 히스토리

요약 정보

어드벤처 캐주얼 인디 시뮬레이션 전략
영어, 중국어 간체

오픈마켓 가격 정보

블로그 포스트 정보

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업적 목록

